Project status … Botdream project into ‘00 0000 0110 0011′ mode! (SLEEP assembler instruction)
2009 21 Feb

I have been studying PIC 18F67J50 and have order it to make some tests! Since this pic use a very small package TQFP 64 pin (0.5 mm pitch between pins) it is not possible to just connect some thin wires and connected to the breadboard, so I have ordered this demo board but made a small mistake, it is a 0.8 mm pitch, damn:

Wrong board!

Ok, let’s order a proper demo board, this is the result of my first work with TQFP devices using a 0.3 mm tip on the iron (iron? yes, I did it the old way, after all it was my first time! Thanks to my friend dinix to let me use is lab!):

PIC 18F67J50 Prototype board

Not bad for a first time! Now I can actually run some live tests with it! This is also my first time with the super power-full nano watt pics from the 18F family!

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